World at War does make a soar for the Call of Duty series by making two-player split-screen and four-player online cooperative campaign. It’s the same battle as the single-player experience, though the number of enemies adds to for every player that connects you. You can roll competitive scoring on and see who can earn the most points by killing enemies and stimulating teammates, and this adds a tad of fun to the campaign and cheer up the mood. The special thing of the game is death cards in each level, and collecting these will let you to allow a cheat for cooperative play. These add a little more excitement to the game, but the only real motivation is challenge. Finishing tasks will earn you experience points that go to your multiplayer rank. Cooperative play is enjoyable in its own way, but comparing it to the addictive multiplayer ranking system makes it pertinent in a whole special way. It was a revolution in Call of Duty gaming gamers still love it and play it with passion.

Co-op, even though it’s not as accepted or interesting as the multiplayer mode, which has a great gaming experience. Ease things that make it more acceptable are finding a game is simple and once you get hooked up its hard to get out there’s loads of fun to be had. The favorite and motivating part is competitive mode which makes you and your friends to fight over a number of levels making up high scores. The main reason to be the best Call of Duty ever made is because of its only for cramming in too much action making it addictive, this game really gives you an on the way into the hell how troops had to go from side to side for every inch of soil and gives a greater esteem for those men who fought in Wars.

Why Call of Duty  World at War is the best COD game ever made  - 71Why Call of Duty  World at War is the best COD game ever made  - 72