One of the most well-known developers on Twitter was the first to notice the planned functionality for Instagram. He claims that the functionality is now in the testing phase. Aside from that, it is said that Instagram will be offering the ability to “Like Stories.” Both improvements are likely to take some time to reach the general public before being widely available. Instagram is reportedly working on a new feature that would allow producers to include a moderator in their live streams, according to noted developer Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a). Paluzzi shared a series of mockups on Twitter, implying that Instagram is developing the functionality. However, according to the screenshot supplied by Paluzzi, the social media site would only allow the author to add one moderator to a live video from their list of ‘who’s watching.’ At this time, only the host who initiated the live stream has the ability to control it. A moderator’s primary responsibility is to assist the live host in managing the comments. According to a report by 9to5Mac, the moderator will be able to turn off comments, requests to go live, queries, and other features in the future with the new capabilities. Aside from that, it is said that Instagram is testing the ability to like Stories. According to reports, Instagram began testing this functionality in August of this year. Another screenshot supplied by Paluzzi in a different tweet illustrates how the Like button will appear in the viewer list when it is activated. The only way to respond to Stories at the moment is through direct messages from friends and family members. There is no word on when the Like option will be made accessible to the general public on Instagram, but the engineers are claimed to be hard at work on it. Several new features have been introduced to Meta (formerly Facebook) platform, which was previously known as Facebook. Collabs, which were introduced in October, allow two users to submit the same material in a collaborative fashion. Users can co-author Feed articles and Reels with other users, and the names of both authors will display in the header of the post in the Feed section. Instagram has also just added the ability for users to upload photographs and videos directly from their web browsers.