Twitch is a particularly challenging platform to grow a community since it’s the go-to for all streaming genres. So, besides fellow gamblers, you also have to contend with other categories, such as video games. Giveaways are some of the tools you can use to promote gambling streams and get more people to watch. While great content and an interesting persona attract viewers, they might not be enough to get desirable numbers. If you are looking to monetize your Twitch channel, then you need as much fan engagement as possible. People love free stuff, which is why giveaways are so effective as marketing strategies. A popular slot streamer held a massive giveaway and saw viewership increase dramatically. Rewarding followers for spending time on your channel makes them feel appreciated, encouraging them to return. However, awarding prizes and other goodies on your twitch casino channel can be expensive. Therefore, you must know how to go about it.

Working with Partners

If you have already built a community on Twitch, then the best option is to get a sponsor to finance your campaign. Sponsorship deals are the biggest monetization avenues for casino streamers. Almost all of the top ten Twitch slot streamers work with varied partners. You can collaborate with casinos, game developers, and other industry players to promote their products. One benefit of working with third parties is that you can award high-value prizes without necessarily tapping into your budget. If you work with a sponsor, then your streams won’t be only about you. They have to generate the required exposure for your partner as well. Therefore, you must be ready to structure content that appeals to the right audience. Sponsorships are not easy to come by, though. Gamblers have to put in significant work to catch the attention of worthy partners. Operators lookout for the biggest names that promise to attract viewers. The Drake on Stake event, which has garnered a lot of attention already, showcases the power of big brands working together in a giveaway campaign. Hence, take the time to build your reputation before approaching potential sponsors.

Basics of Giveaways when Streaming

A content creator who has never done a giveaway before might have a hard time putting one together. Firstly, find the right tool to run giveaways. Your campaign has to run smoothly to elicit the reactions you want. It doesn’t matter if you have pricey regards if your sessions are less than efficient. Thus, pick a platform wisely. Twitch users have a host of free bots they can set up to conduct giveaways. Look up reviews, compare features and select the most suitable one. Secondly, know how to reward followers. Giveaways don’t have to be costly, especially if you don’t have sponsors yet. Explore various ideas that interest your target audience. Be as creative as possible. Apart from showing appreciation for your viewers, the prizes you award contribute to character growth. So, try to come up with giveaways that match your streaming persona. Equipment and consoles are some of the most popular giveaways on Twitch. You can gift viewers anything from VR glasses to gaming chairs, so they can gamble comfortably at home. In-game currency and crypto are other common rewards. You can also award art, services, channel roles and your time are other ideas. Another fundamental is scheduling the campaign. When is the right time to hold a giveaway on your gambling streams? Timing rewards successfully is a skill. For one, you can plan to award prizes when you attain particular milestones as a casino streamer. When you reach 100 followers, for example, you can reward the 100th follower or hold a competition where everyone participates. You can also plan a giveaway to celebrate broadcasting for a certain amount of time, say six months. The frequency of your giveaways depends on what you can afford. For instance, it could be once a month. Towards the end of a stream is the best time to gift followers. However, be careful not to hold your audience too long such that they get bored and leave the channel. Rewards are also an excellent way to keep viewers interested during a marathon stream. If you intend to broadcast the entire day, then schedule giveaways throughout the session. For example, you can reward subscribers every 2-3 hours. The point is to give viewers something to look forward to besides whatever gimmicks you included in the broadcast.

Promoting Giveaways

Your campaign might flop if you fail to generate enough buzz for it. Your audience should know a giveaway is coming up in good time. Take advantage of social media to interact with your community and advertise giveaways. Highlight the basics of the campaigns and any rules subscribers and followers may have to adhere to. You can announce the campaign a few days before or on the day of. However, don’t give a specific time for the event because some subscribers might only log in at that moment then leave. Use concise and descriptive language to advertise the campaign. The social media posts should tell audiences what to expect. Be careful not to give away too much, though. Ignite curiosity to tempt followers to tune in. Encourage followers to share the posts to reach potential viewers. A solid streaming community takes time to build. You need the right tactics and patience to get people to watch your gambling broadcasts. Giveaways can boost your exposure by attracting new followers. Even if not all of them stick around, some might find something worth coming back for, hence, growing your following. So, learn how to make the most of giveaways to increase viewership.