Among several other changes, the most significant appears to be a revamp of Gmail, which will allow users to use it for more than simply emailing. The upgrade will enable users to make direct voice and video calls to a contact from within the Gmail mobile application. Remember that the call will be placed using Google Meet, which is accessible through the Gmail app. Intriguingly, the capability was only added to the Gmail app rather not the Google Meet platform, as originally planned. The technology behemoth has already leveraged the popularity of its widely utilized service to promote other services it provides. According to The Verge, Google has been working on making Gmail the core hub for all of the work-related services that the company provides. Users may communicate with one another through personal and group chats, videoconferences, and now voice and video calls in addition to emailing and receiving emails. Gmail serves as a gateway to services like Chat, Spaces, and Meet in this case. Of course, the applications may also be used independently for individuals who want a more focused user experience. As a result, Google has guaranteed that the voice and video calling functionality would be added to Google Meet at some point in the future. The Meet tab in Gmail now allows users to start or attend a virtual meeting, and it is accessible through the Gmail web browser. In the future, a function that allows you to call contacts will be included under this category. Users would then be able to make personal audio and video conversations to a single contact using the app, just like they would do with any other VOIP software such as Google Duo or Skype after the app is installed. Aside from the ability to call directly from Gmail, Google is revamping the service to include new capabilities for Spaces and Google Calendar. There is also a new Companion mode for Meet, which allows you to use the audiovisual gear in a conference room to conduct virtual meetings. Along with this, Google is growing its Meet hardware ecosystem.